So here are a few dresses that we made for Surabhi's baby.....

Illatharasi tagged me...
This is the first time someone tagged me.... so here are my answers..
before that some rules of tagging that I saw on Illatharasi's blog...
"At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 or 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read my blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answers."
- What was I doing ten years ago?
I was doing my first year of graduation.... and hanging out with friends... oh those lovely days!!!
- Five things on Today's "To do" list.....
Cooking dinner and making hubby a gini pig :)
Cleaning house and getting Sanika ready to school
Blogging in the afternoon...
Going out for a round on cycle with Sanika...
Watching TV have dinner and Sleep...
- I am addicted to......
To Blogging
My daughter
- Things I would do if I were a bilianaire.....
First and foremost I would go on a world tour... would visit every smallest and biggest place in the world.. buy lots of clothes and matching accessories for me and my daughter... Build big house for my family and my parents and keep maid to do all the work.. Do lots of charity for older people who really need that and also the small children who are the future of our planet...
- Places I have lived ...
Nashik, Pune, Belgaum, now in Singapore...
Thanks for tagging me dear it was good to remember about past days and the dreams again.... :)
So now I tag
cute ones...
Great... nice to know more about you:)
I love those cute little dresses!
cute dresses..tagging???i have been tagged 4times now..i better do it soon..
nice dress..looks so,cute,,..thnks for taggin me,will do soon,..
Lovely ones...i stitched a lot of these some two months back for my sis' kid..but couldnt take out the snaps...two more latest ones are yet to be captured in snaps..
Cute and chweet..
Ohh. I tagged u for the same one again just now
hey lovely dresses!i m here for the first time to ur blog....found ur link thro easy crafts...nice one!
nice to know more abt u....we have a few things in common i must say...u have lived in pune too...i still live daughters name is parnika....its rhymes with sanika...cute na?
Have passed u the magic lamp..check out
Tagged you again ;)
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